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dc.contributor.authorYapa, NHLC
dc.contributor.authorPemarathne, WPJ
dc.description.abstractThe Emergency Treatment Unit (ETU) in Sri Lankan Hospitals runs based on paper- based manual process and results in delays in delivering patient reports, losing them and delay in the treatments. In addition, due to the limited number of beds inside the Coronary Care Unit (CCU), it has become more important to identify the most severe patients to be admitted into the CCU. So, if the correct patient to be admitted is not identified properly, another patient in the unit could fall into a more critical condition. ETU Management System is a webbased system, which automates the current manual process inside the ETU and is capable of identifying the most suitable patient that should be treated inside the CCU, using a specific scoring system calculated by monitoring the symptoms of the patient at ETU assessment. Patient tracking system is a mobile application provided for patients and their guardians, which gives patients the facility to contact his/her guardian and doctor in any case of emergency, as well as enables Guardians to track the patient’s location and notifies them via the mobile application, if the location of the patient is changed in any case. The proposed ETU management system helps to take the Sri Lankan medical field into another era by eliminating traditional paper-based manual processes.en_US
dc.titleETU Management and Patient Tracking Systemen_US
dc.typeArticle Full Texten_US
dc.identifier.journalKDU IRC, 2021en_US
dc.identifier.issueFaculty of Computingen_US

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